Jan 29, 2019
Should we be passive as Christian men or are we called to step in and defend the weak? What are you doing to defend the weak and powerless?
Jan 25, 2019
Much of what hinders us as men, is our inability to live as FREE MEN. We carry the scars, and wounds of our past. Things like unforgiveness, being violated or watching a loved one suffer, slows us down in our journey to manliness. Our brokenness often comes from a father or authority figure that disappointed us, which...
Jan 22, 2019
It's easy to sign up for the comfortable life. We were created for the strenuous life, where we strive for greatness and climb the mountains of adversity. This new year how will you choose the strenuous life and reject the passive comfortable life?
Jan 18, 2019
What is the difference between being a man and a boy? Can you be a man and also, posses the attributes of toxic masculinity? In this episode, we weigh in on the commercial from Gillette.
Jan 15, 2019
Is there really a Man Card? How do we define Manhood? In this episode, we address the confusing topic of Manhood. The world can cause us to think that Manhood is achieved by age, strength, gender, or financial status. We disagree with these things. We are sure you will enjoy this episode.
The Boots on the Ground Moment:...