Jun 28, 2021
Are you a Good Guy or a Nice Guy? Jim shares about something he has been challenged with in living out his faith. This one habit he has started to form has the potential to change him, his family and those he comes in contact with. We hope this episode challenges you to add this one thing into your life and see how it...
Jun 25, 2021
Eric Boles is the CEO and Founder of The Game Changers, Inc., a noted global expert in talent development and peak performance. Eric greatest impact and focus is on people. His perspectives on managing and leading change, transforming culture and overcoming complacency are laced with practical tools and principles that...
Jun 21, 2021
Jim Ramos shares his method of reads books, how he gets the most out of the book and when to put a book down when it does not speak to you. This podcast is packed with practical ways to get the most out of a book.
Jun 18, 2021
If you are a dad you need to listen to this episode! Your kids probably already have an addiction to something and you may not even realize it!
Brad Huddleston is an internationally respected speaker, consultant, teacher and author on the important issues such as technology and culture. He has worked with universities,...
Jun 14, 2021
There are plenty of good habits that men in the stress bubble should have. Here is one that we believe you need to have to stay sharp and to lead well. Remember, "Leaders are Learners".